• Individuals

    Dreading that time of the month? The pain, the discomfort, the anxiety, the hormones. From physical exercises, movement and visualization techniques, diet, and nutrition coaching and so many more non-pharmacological ways to aid and support the mensuration process, Cally Health will be your ally in managing your cycle with fewer runs to the doctor or your medicine cabinet. If your friend visits every month, you should have the tools to help manage, navigate and host with ease.

  • Employers

    Hormonal changes result in mood shifts that have a direct impact on employee morale and performance. Coaching the workforce, providing a conducive environment for periodic breaks and rest, adding nutritional components to on-site cafeterias and creating a comfortable culture will greatly benefit the company culture and strengthen the voices that have been suffering in silence. Help with pain management, anxiety and stress management and other related symptoms has a direct impact on the performance and wellbeing of the employee.

